Drug Offenses

Drug Crimes

Expert Legal Representation for Drug Crime Cases

When talking about drug crimes, we are referring to two primary types of alleged criminal activity focused on illicit substances. This includes drug possession and drug trafficking. Drug possession is extremely common and the punishment can be minimal, whereas drug trafficking is very serious and considered a felony. 

The Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Stotter has expertise and experience in representing clients who face the accusation of either type of drug crime in an effort to reduce or eliminate a sentence. Trafficking offenses can be shown to be mitigated by personal use, and personal use offenses can be resolved with rehabilitation or treatment.  Even charges involving massive quantities of contrabqand can be challenged and resolved without jail time.

Understanding Drug Possession Crimes.

Individuals can be charged in one of two ways when it comes to drug possession crimes. The first and easiest method for an officer to charge you for this crime is by locating the drug physically on your person, whether you're carrying it or physically using it at the moment.

The second is more complicated to prove and counts as constructive possession. This is a situation in which you are not physically holding the drug but may be discovered in your car, for example. This is generally tougher to charge you with as there is a lot of room for deniability or doubt depending on the circumstances.

The primary means for defending someone accused of drug possession is looking into that cause for doubt and also by looking into an officer's failure to honor your rights. For example, if you do not consent to a search of your vehicle in the scenario above, but the officer does it anyway, there's a possibility that the judge will throw the evidence out as your rights as a citizen were violated.


Being accused of drug trafficking is deadly serious, and you can't risk your defense to someone without a proven record of success in court.

We'll work tirelessly to explore every possible area of your case to present the best possible defense to the judge and jury.


If you're ever arrested and accused of a drug crime offense, retain your right to silence and call The Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Stotter immediately as your criminal lawyer of choice.

Contact us today to get the expert criminal defense you need and deserve to protect your rights.

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If you or someone you love has been accused or arrested for a crime, don't hesitate to contact our offices immediately. Our phone is open 24 hours a day to ensure that one of our legal experts takes the opportunity to review your case and provide you with the relentless criminal defense that you are entitled to.

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